Internet Marketing Ethics and Web Ethical Issues



It is an irreversible trend that the number of people using the Internet is keeping improving. Hence, the Internet market is getting into the spotlight. People are chasing a healthy and stable Internet market.

Although this article is sort of advertisement that is selling its website, it indeed come up with some internet marketing ethics and web ethical issues we necessarily think about.

To organizations,

Reputation and brand image is what they are. The Internet is public open, every people can post any message they want on it. An organization is affected by every related news. If some competitors maliciously issue negative consumer comments or fake news on the Internet, with the unbelievable spread rate on the Internet, the organization’s reputation is on the path to die.

To consumers,

Integrity and safety are two main affected factors. As a consumer, I always hope the information on websites is true and integral, so a completed image of the product can be captured. However, among thousands of, millions of information, how can we kick out the fake ones?


Internet business is usually fellow by Internet financial transaction. In this case, identity theft becomes an issue. Consumers are worried about the safety of their property.

If these two factors cannot be guaranteed, most people will lose confidence to the Internet market.

To society,

The Internet market will become parts of our lives as the real market one day. If dishonesty, distrust and hostile attack fill full with the Internet market, the same negative impact will come across our reality.

