Red Bull, You Genius Son of a Bull

I was intrigued by the brief mention in class about the diversity of Red Bull’s activities. After some investigation, I have to say… I am quite impressed.

As a hopeful future marketing consultant, Red Bull was a very fascinating case study because it takes its marketing strategies outside of the box – innovative marketing tactics that are so innovative that hardly anyone minds the Red Bull propaganda. Which is awesome, because there is nothing more that customers hate than advertisements.

For example, instead of sponsoring an event like brands typically do, Red Bull hosts its own events – extreme sports events that embrace the energizing theme of its product. Previous events include Red Bull Joyride, which is featured in the photo at the top, and Red Bull Air Race, where world-scale pilots perform stunning stunts (ha!) before an audience of thousands. Such events captures people’s attention, hence raising overall awareness of the brand.

Another approach that Red Bull takes is engagement with its customers. And by engaging, I mean individual, word-of-mouth promotion. Red Bull Wing Teams are composed of students driving around in a Red Bull marked van, offering Red Bulls to people on the street. The company also supports young musicians through Red Bull Bedroom Jam and aspiring writers through Red Bull Reporter, appealing itself across the spectrum.These are only a few activities that I’ve come across in my research of Red Bull. The local scale of these projects build personal relationships with people, familiarizing the product for all the great opportunities it provides.

I’m gonna be honest here… Red Bull sounds like heaven for marketeers. Who else wants to apply with me?



Red Bull International Official Website:

Red Bull Joyride:

Red Bull Air Race:

Red Bull Wings Team:

Red Bull Bedroom Jam:

Red Bull Reporter:

Business Case Study:

Photo from here.

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