
Oppa Product Positioning Style!

Product positioning targets customers by distinguishing the business within the market. Now let’s examine it through this year’s biggest hit: Gangnam Style by Psy. Despite it being Korean, a foreign language and culture to most, it ranked #1 on iTunes in 31 countries and received the most Likes in the history of YouTube. As a Korean, I couldn’t believe it when hundreds of students at Frosh were doing the trademark galloping dance together.

How did brand positioning create such remarkable results?

Initially, Psy didn’t expect any international success. He simply wrote a song that combines catchy music with funny, applicable references to the dynamic lifestyle in Gangnam, an urban district that has flourished recently. Instead of emphasizing a polished image like other Korea artists who have attempted to break into the American market, Psy’s points of difference lie in his crude character and shameless antics, providing pure entertainment and arousing curiosity about the Asian music industry. Although he’s not the first to create funny and catchy music, Psy distinguishes himself with a trademark dance which is easy to learn and recognize.

Now the question that remains is… how will product positioning play a role in the continuation of Psy’s success?



Gangnam Style music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0

Gangnam Style ranks #1 in 31 countries: http://www.allkpop.com/2012/09/psys-gangnam-style-ranks-1-on-itunes-in-31-countries

Gangnam Style breaks Guinness World Record for most YouTube Likes: http://www.theverge.com/2012/9/21/3370336/gangnam-style-youtube-likes-record

UBC Sauder Frosh 2012 Recap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmzG2Z-oLtI&feature=player_embedded#!

Tour The Ritzy Seoul District That Inspired Viral Hit Gangnam Stylehttp://www.businessinsider.com/inside-seouls-district-of-gangnam-gu-2012-9?op=1#ixzz28WfKOwOo

Psy’s dance lesson for Britney Spears on Ellen Degenereshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZmkU5Pg1sw