
Why Social Enterprise?

My most valuable discovery in the past three months at UBC is social entrepreneurship. I first came across it at one of the booths during Frosh – a booth for Social Enterprise Club, which I immediately joined. I couldn’t stop thinking about it afterwards because social enterprise is exactly what I had been looking for.

I’ve always wanted a career that incorporates social issues – a career that carries impact beyond the money I make. To me, success means more than money. Social entrepreneurship is such a rewarding experience because you receive profit for pursuing a social issue that you are passionate about. Working in a charity is an option but it never appealed to me as much because I still want to keep the business aspect, the constantly changing, challenge-filled environment. In social enterprise, I can carry out hands-on work and solve real problems – all for a cause that I care deeply about.

When Jeff Kroeker visited our class and spoke about the Arc Initiative, I knew. I wanted to explore social enterprise but I had no clue where to start. And the answer was sitting right here, in Sauder: a two month trip to Ethiopia, where students, professors and the local community come together to bring their businesses to life. Physically witnessing the changes in people’s lives is so incredibly rewarding, and it would be the perfect launch into my social entrepreneurial career. I have so much to learn, and I cannot wait.I

Fingers crossed that I make it into the team for Ethiopia 2013!



Video from CMABritishsColumbia on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uzh07TPqQJA