Half Price? Just Kidding!


Recently, Kentucky Fried Chicken in China launched a new wave of promotion. The price of a family-sized bucket is cut into half from 80 Chinese dollars to 40. The family bucket is a iconic product of KFC and has been offered since KFC came into China. Therefore, when the promotion of half price in limited time came out, all the KFC fans cannot wait to try the new product. Disappointedly, the food in the half-price bucket is also half the the full-size bucket.

Some people complain that customers are cheated but KFC never mentioned that the content of the bucket will not change while the price is cut. The purpose of selling half-price bucket is not only to boost the sale but also to hype the brand itself. Since the promotion is valid only for two weeks, KFC won’t benefit from it for long. However, the enormous discussions it raised internet pushed KFC to sight of many customers. The psychological tactic KFC uses is very interesting. When many people tried the new product, they complained a lot. However, the more disappointment they express, the more curiosity it generates in other people who have not tried half-price bucket yet. After a few days, customers are not caring about the cheating behavior. Instead, people considered buying the bucket as a fashion and feel determined to follow the trend.

However, this success is difficult to be copied in other countries where KFC are not as common and successful as it is in China. The environment in China contributes to the success of half-price bucket.


FlorCruz, Michelle. “KFC China Promotional Disaster: Yum Brands Company Criticized For Ripping Chinese Customers Off.” International Business Times. International Business Times, 31 Oct. 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. <http://www.ibtimes.com/kfc-china-promotional-disaster-yum-brands-company-criticized-ripping-chinese-customers-1450010>.

Sauer, Abe. “New KFC Promotion Strives for Disaster Trifecta in China.” Brand Channel. Brand Channel, 30 Oct. 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2013. <http://www.brandchannel.com/home/post/2013/10/30/KFC-China-Bucket-Disaster-103013.aspx>.


Expansion of Google Books

In 2005, Google, the largest searching engine, was sued for scanning millions of books and the indexes by the Authors Guild, which represents writers and individual authors. The eight-year-old lawsuit ends recently. Google won the case for providing benefit to both people who use Google Book for research and writers and individual authors who gain more attention from readers.

Google is expanding and becomes a leader in many aspects of internet use. Google Books is very helpful to google users. It is a convenient access for viewers to search for and read books and strengthens google’s brand power. As a prestigious company, Google should clearly know the importance of respecting writers and authors and the cost of violating the law. When the idea of Google Books came out, staff in Google should have reflected these concerns to the executives. Missing this important point reveals either the ineffective operation inside Google where staff’s opinions cannot be effectively delivered to managers or the deliberate avoidance of paying for the copyright.

It is good that Google and the Authors Guild reached an agreement. Since Google has big power of influence in the internet and technology industry, its story will give a warn to other companies which might make similar mistakes as google did.


Pearson, Sophia. “The Vancouver Sun.” Www.vancouversun.com. The Vancouver Sun, 14 Nov. 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <http://www.vancouversun.com/business/technology/Google triumphs over Authors Guild book scanning/9166273/story.html>.

Self-employed Vloggers

“Vlog” is term referred to the video blogs. People who upload videos on blogs can be called “vloggers”. There are many bloggers famous on Youtube. They mainly produce their own videos about making up, comedies or talk show. They have thousands of followers on internet and earn income from advertising products in their videos. They are self-employed and work on their laptops day and night.

Yes, they earn a fortune but their career is more stressful than being employed by other companies. Two major issue that they always worry about is how to embody advertisement in videos seamlessly and how to inspire their ideas, which are key factors of attracting followers. For the first issue, blogger should be very careful about their use of words and avoid making the advertising too obvious.

For the second issue, vloggers need to communicate with their followers regularly and listen to their suggestion for improvement. They might also need to view other flogger’s video and compare theirs with competitors and adjust the content of their videos according to the trends. When the vloggers become more famous, they should build up their own brands. They also need a team to do a better! Specialization will improve the quality of videos and reduce the pressure of the vloggers, which allows everyone to concentrate on their own work and ensure a steady flow of ideas. Although it reduces the income for the vloggers, it enables them to enjoy a better quality of life and to strengthen the brands they created.


Harvey, Declan. BBC News. BBC, 13 Nov. 2013. Web. 17 Nov. 2013. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/24726895>.


Branding Traditional Culture as Luxury

Shangxia, which means up and down in Chinese, is created by an art designer Jiang Qiong’er and is backed by French luxury corporation Hermes in 2008. Different from most fashion products that Hermes sells, Shangxia is selling traditional Chinese culture in the form of art. The promotion of culture is reflected through the name, which implies the coexistence of modern and traditional cultures, the few but every delicate crafts and the traditional yet also modern design of stores. Culture is the core value of Shangxia.

When Hermes invested in Shangxia, it did not expect to gain much returns in short terms. Hermes want to position a brand of elegant taste and hand-made luxury and plant the core value of culture and art deeply into customers’ minds as it always does. Hermes builds the power of brands to attract wealthy customers and differentiate itself from other luxury brands which thirstily expands the number of store to pursue sales.

The customers segments are located at upper class in China, those who not only have enough wealth but also have elegant tastes of art and deep understanding of traditional culture. Many Asian countries such China and Japan value traditional culture as an crucial part of national identity. Owning a Shangxia product becomes a symbol of real richness.


Day, Peter. “The Designer Creating a New Chinese Brand.” BBC News. BBC, 09 Oct. 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24038071>.

Song, Sophie. “Backed By Hermès, Shang Xia, A Luxury Brand Influenced By Traditional Chinese Design Elements, Is Expanding Overseas.” International Business Times. International Business Times, 21 May 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <http://www.ibtimes.com/backed-hermes-shang-xia-luxury-brand-influenced-traditional-chinese-design-elements-expanding>.

Wendlandt, Astrid, and Pascale Denis. “Hermes Tests European Appetite for Its Young Chinese Brand.” Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 11 Sept. 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/09/11/us-hermes-shangxia-idUSBRE98A11X20130911>.

The Fever of Online shopping on China’s Single Day

Nov. 11 is a festival for Chinese singles and has been commercialized  into a  festival for online shopping five years ago. The carnival of sales on Single Day was first launched by Alibaba, the biggest e-commerce corporation in China. Tmall is a  platform that Alibaba provides for independent sellers and independent buyers to trade,  a cross of Amazon and eBay. This year, the sales topped $5.75 billion and more than one third of adult population in China visited the site during the festival. A fever of online shopping rapidly spread across China. 

On one side, the stunning record of sales demonstrates the great potential of e-commerce market. Besides the huge population, another main reason is the strategy of e-commerce companies.Unlike Amazon, Tmall itself does not sell products. It collects many brands from all categories of products including both famous brands and independent, small brands. The revenue mainly comes from commissions and advertisements. The variety of products and the intense competition between sellers  offer buyers plenty of choices and drive prices down. On the other side,  phenomenons of fraud reveals the lack of regulation in the large, complex market. The overload of shipment causes long waiting time and  delivery mistakes, which troubles customers a lot.


News, Bloomberg. “Alibaba Breaks Sales Record Amid China Singles-Day Rebate.”Bloomberg.com. Bloomberg, 12 Nov. 2013. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. <http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-11-11/alibaba-breaks-sales-record-on-china-singles-day-amid-discounts.html>.

Wang, Shanshan, and Eric Pfanner. “China’s One-Day Shopping Spree Sets Record in Online Sales.” The New York Times. The New York Times, 11 Nov. 2013. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. <http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/12/business/international/online-shopping-marathon-zooms-off-the-blocks-in-china.html>.

Staff, China Blog. “Singles’ Day – China’s Anti-Valentine’s Celebration.” BBC News. BBC, 11 Nov. 2013. Web. 13 Nov. 2013. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-china-blog-24896066>.

Kindle VS. Printed Books: A Challenge To Traditional Reading Habit

Since Kindle was released in 2007, it was largely welcomed among readers who favour the great reading experience that the technology provides. In my opinion,inexpensiveness and convenience are two main reasons that drive readers to move from printed book to e-book. When we purchase a book on Amazon, the website lists the prices of e-book and printed book. E-book can be twice cheaper than the printed one, in which the sharp contrast of prices drive customers to choose the electronic edition. The second reason is the convenience that technology creates, which is an incomparable advantage. People can put all the book that they want to read in one device, carry it in bags and read books anywhere and anytime.

Kindle is reshaping people’s reading habit  with the development of technology. This trend is certainly a huge threat to owners of bookstores. Even though it is almost impossible to fully replace printed books, to compete  with e-books, the most important thing is to lower the price of printed books and to try to generate revenue through other channels instead of merely from selling.



Lee, Dave. “Amazon E-book Offer Riles Independent Bookshop Owners.” BBC News. BBC, 11 Aug. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2013. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24868137>.