Here we go…

by Patricia Parker on July 3, 2009

Hi and welcome to our blog.  In these “pages” we will share with you, our UBC colleagues, real life attempts to incorporate fitness and adequate nutrition into already busy lives.  Like you, we have multiple demands and little energy for change (for those of you who ascribe to the “change theory”). Also like you, we know we want to get fit, be a healthy weight and enjoy delicious and nutritious food.


The idea for this blog came from our successful Healthy Workplace Initiative Program Fund (HWIP) proposal.   We have been given some funding to get more fit, improve our daily nutrition and maybe have fun in the process.  The objectives are measurable…we have already experienced the humbling associated with the fitness assessment and have begun to engage in fitness activities around campus and in the Lower Mainland.  


For the next six months, you will meet regular contributors during the week. We come from all walks of life but share two things in common….we work at the Department of Health, Safety and Environment and we want to be healthier.  We will be writing about our goals and how we tried to meet our weekly objectives.  We will try to describe the gut wrenching muscle aches and other emotional stings as well as the absolute exhilaration when we climb back up those tormenting 444 stairs from Wreck Beach without involving paramedics and stretchers. A guest blogger every Friday should keep things interesting and fresh. 


I hope you will share our triumphs and our struggles.  I hope we can provide a good laugh, a good cry and a snap shot into how change occurs (or perhaps doesn’t occur) in real life.  Thanks for coming along for the ride…Fasten your seat belts and return tables to the upright position…

Patti Parker


Patricia Parker 07.03.09 at 10:34 am

Of course thats a fat free, decaf latte…

Erin Creak 07.03.09 at 10:51 am

I’m looking forward to following the stories Patti.

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