Journey to Good Health

by Rick Byers on July 13, 2009

As with every journey, preparation is key. The objective and the strategies required to reach the same can only be determined through research to define what is my true starting point and where do I want to end up. Remember, my objective is to lose weight and increase overall energy.
I started with a visit to my physician who has a special interest in diet and practicing balanced lifestyles. He referred me for a number of tests and assessments to determine my current level of health. I then had a follow up visit with my doctor and he identified steps for me to take to regain good health. Some steps were surprising simple like drinking an extra glass of skin milk and two extra glasses of water a day. The physician also told me that my metabolism at 57 works slower than even 5 years ago. Therefore, I must approach weight loss and increasing energy being aware of that. While not impossible given the right conditions, I am not likely to drop 10 pounds in a few weeks.
I then went for a fitness assessment with a certified fitness instructor with additional certification in dietary measures. We discussed how I can be creative about fitness. For example, when I go shopping I should park in the extended parking zone. This creates a longer distance to walk to and from the store. A five minute walk one way became ten to fifteen minutes. Visiting one store, not counting the time you are in there, could be twenty to 30 minutes. Repeating the scenario for two stops and I will have easily walked over 40 minutes for the day, not counting the time in the store. I don’t know about you but Saturday is my shopping day for the week. To obtain groceries and other necessities, I make at least 3 stops or more.
Equipped with the above information, I was now ready to focus on another strategy to good health: diet and eating habits.
Have a week of good health,


Dolly 07.13.09 at 11:13 am

Thanks for sharing those easy tips, Rick. I especially like the idea of parking further away and find myself often doing this, not even thinking that it provided me those precious extra minutes of exercise! I get fed up waiting while everyone else is competing for the ‘rock star’ parking . I would rather detour around, slip into a stall further away and find that I can often walk faster then they can get parked. Double yay!

Tip for transit riders: Get off a stop or two before your destination and walk the rest of the way.

Jolene 07.16.09 at 8:30 am

I’d like to thank Translink for their uncomfortable seats and irregular schedules that encourage me to walk home from my chiropractor appointments.

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