Yoga and Coffee

by Suzanne Jolly on July 28, 2009

Comfort in the Form of Coffee

So I realized that I haven’t been talking about the quitting coffee goal of mine.  So I thought I’d spend a little time today.  I haven’t been talking about it, because honestly, there hasn’t been much to talk about!

Since I got the flu (or some odd illness) which knocked out my eating abilities for a week or so, I ended up not drinking coffee (obviously) during that time.  So I think the illness I got gave me a little boost in quitting the coffee habit- I didn’t feel any of the physical symptoms of caffeine addiction.
(Here’s some good info [I think] about caffeine addiction:

So I haven’t had a cup of coffee since we started the blog.  Until this past Friday.

I went across the street with a colleague for a meeting, to the local coffee shop.  I’ve had tea there recently, instead of coffee…so I didn’t think it was a big deal.  But I missed my cup of coffee- there was something emotionally comforting about the routine americano that I used to have.

And so I said to myself, “What’s one cup? Really, c’mon, I’m allowed a cup now and then…”

(This sounds so familiar- as it’s the same language that I would hear from people who were struggling with addiction [back when I worked in substance abuse]).

If you had seen me on Friday after 10 am, you would have been amazed at how changed I was.

I know, a simple americano!?  I must be joking!  But seriously, I haven’t felt that anxious in a very long time.  I felt stressed and spread too thin.  Certainly I had a lot of work to do (I usually do!), but it all seemed overwhelming.  I had a hard time focusing on one project.  I couldn’t settle down, even after my work day was done and a fun-filled weekend was starting.

And you know what?  On Saturday night, I ended up having another cup of coffee too, with a friend.

Luckily now, though, I recognize the slippery slope I’m on.  One cup really does lead to some health issues for me.  I used to struggle with anxiety a fair amount (and anxiety makes you breathe more shallowly, which can tense up the upper shoulders etc)  And I also noticed- that one cup does lead to another.

So this morning, I really needed a little emotional comfort.  I thought about going to my favourite coffee shop and picking up a dark roast.  Instead, I stopped into the corner gas station and got a juice.  It wasn’t the same, but I realized that one of the main reasons I’m drinking coffee is because it’s a ritual for me.  So I figure why not try to start a new ritual, and in the process get a little dose of fruits/veggies instead of a cup of anxiety?

On the Yoga Train

Just so everyone also knows- I’m addicted to yoga.  I did it three times last week (once even on my own with a friend on the beach).  And I’m even one of those yoga nerds at the beach on Thursdays with forty other people- when did I become so yuppie?

And I’m headed back to the beach tonight to get some more yoga in.

My back and neck don’t feel great though. I saw my chiropractor yesterday, and afterwards my plans to go do some yoga seemed unrealistic.  But I’m realizing that yoga is going to help me stretch out muscles are so immensely tight and short (like my hamstrings and calves).

It’s hard to know when your back and neck are getting better- sometimes you have to go through some pain, and then they get better. Sometimes, you have to rest. Sometimes you have to stretch.
I don’t really know the “recipe to success” for neck/back pain yet… but I think yoga can’t hurt (as long as I don’t do any crazy headstands).  So I’m on the yoga train- CHHOOooo Choooooo!

{ 1 comment }

pierre tanguay 07.29.09 at 7:40 am

Do you have any suggestions as to which type of yoga (there are several unpronounceable varieties) would be good for someone just looking for the basics? No esoteric doctrines or chanting. I’m looking for something akin to a stretching class…

I am now glancing across the kitchen at the pot of fresh-brewed coffee with mixed feelings….


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