Journey to Good Health

by Rick Byers on July 31, 2009

For my usual blog date of August 03, 2009 which is a statutory holiday.


Growing up as a teenager in Toronto in the 60’s was like living in the golden age of junk food.


The highlight of the year was every August. Just like the PNE attracts thousands of appetites to a myriad of amazing smells and tastes, so did the Canadian National Exhibition or CNE. Amongst the many theme buildings of interest such as the Automotive Building, the Ontario Pavilion stood the bastion of them all:


The Food Building.


Imagine 2 opposing lines of booths half the length of a football stadium containing all your favorite: burgers, fries, hot dogs, doughnuts, potato chips, corn dogs, soda, ice cream cones, ice cream waffles, Belgium waffles, chocolate bars, etc.,


Now imagine that each product manufacturer gives out FREE SAMPLES.  Big time.


For the price of admission to the CNE, you could count on a free lunch in The Food Building. After a few rounds of samples from the booths, you will have consumed enough sugar to resurface the Arctic.


Times sure have changed.  For the better I think.      


While I feel I am now disciplined for breakfast and lunch, supper has become my primary focus. Because I know I would simply fill up an average plate to the edges, I purchased a single serving lasagna dish for my supper. It is large enough to fit my palm sized portion of meat with room for a handful of brown rice or pasta.  Both are proper portion sized. I also restrict myself to the rule that anything is consumed outside of the dish contains no calories. Such as steamed vegetables or salad (1 tablespoon of dressing remember?). Beverage – water, water and more water.


With respect to snacks after supper?  Allowed only if precipitated by a ½ hour walk. Then, 1 low fat granola bar supplemented by more water.


While I began this blog with salivating memories I am happier with how I feel as I am writing now: lighter, more energetic and most interestingly – much older.


Next week – time to get into my exercise regimen.

Have a week of good health,


Jolene 07.31.09 at 4:16 pm

Rick, I’m glad I’m not the only one who appreciated the Food Building at the Ex a little too much. I still have dreams about those Tiny Tom doughnuts…

Shierley 07.31.09 at 5:22 pm

The Food Building?!? Why haven’t I heard about this place before? It sounds absolutely awesome.

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