Wax on, Wax off

by Patricia Parker on August 2, 2009

The “Mission Fit Possible” bloggers met this week to review our first month. I am delighted with the commitment of my colleagues and the high caliber of their weekly entries. When I envisioned the idea of “the blog”, I didn’t dream it would be so funny, informative and heartfelt. Thank you.

The rest of this entry is all about me. I’ve noticed that I’m not cringing at the mere suggestion of a long walk. I don’t throw my arms up in despair when I have to make another trip upstairs. I’m looking forward to my noon hour dip in the UBC pool. I don’t drive in Vancouver, so I walk a lot. I used to take the bus. I’m even inclined to carry home heavy jugs of milk and produce. While none of this may seem like I’m in training for a marathon, it does represent, for me, baby steps to adopting a more active life.

By necessity during the current hot weather, I’ve really stopped baking. While I always tried to bake healthy snacks, they did include sugar and some form of fat. Since I’ve been avoiding the kitchen like a cat avoids water the last week or so, we’ve eaten more fruit or crunchy vegetables for snacks. I’ve been drinking way more water, too, instead of coffee with cream or soda pop with artificial sweetener.

My plans for this week are to keep up a noon hour swim. I logged 1200 metres at the pool last week (cumulatively) last week and discovered a way to reduce the fatigue I experience in my neck and shoulders from sitting and typing most of the day. I’m glad about that, because I didn’t manage my morning walk. I did walk 2.88 km from home to work and back each day, but not much extra mileage. I will start wearing a pedometer this week to see if I’m managing the 10,000 daily steps (www.thewalkingsite.com/10000steps.html).

Tomorrow, we will be enjoying BC Day by polishing the hull of our little sailboat. Now that’s a good upper body work out. Are any of you old enough to remember “wax on, wax off”? Good bye flabby upper arms and hello biceps. I’m also going to take a few minutes this week to look up my favourite recipes on the Heart and Stroke Foundation website. I’ll link any particular new fav’s I discover.

Til next time