Pain, pain, go away

by Grace on August 7, 2009

Back pain


I’ve been seeing a chiropractor few the past two weeks for neck and back pain.  I always feel much better after each session but the pain does come back.  Of course, I didn’t expect years of pain to just go away after a few sessions with a chiropractor and I know that if I want to be pain-free, I need to make some changes to my (bad) habits.


My chiropractor told me my muscles are tight everywhere – in my back, legs, arms, shoulders, jaw.  Everywhere.  Our bodies are not meant to be in one position for prolonged periods but modern life requires it, whether we sit at a desk at work all day or endure a 12-hour flight when travelling.


Taking advice from my chiropractor, here is my plan for pain relief:

  • Improve posture.  When I sit, I want to slouch.  For the past two weeks, I’ve started to pay more attention to my posture and to sit up straight.  It took some time for my body to adjust but it is becoming more comfortable to sit straight.
  • Stop cradling the phone between head and shoulder.  I thought I stopped doing this but a colleague caught me with my phone pinched between my head and shoulder recently.
  • Stretching exercises.  For me, these include opening up my shoulders and exercises to strengthen my back muscles.

 Seems easy enough but old habits die hard.

{ 1 comment }

Patricia Parker 08.09.09 at 9:42 pm

Great picture, Grace. Really sums up how back pain makes me feel.

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