That’s what friends are for

by Juliana on August 7, 2009


One of my most favored activities is to go out to eat with one of my oldest friends and find the restaurant that cooked the best steaks. I am happy to say that the quest is still not done yet as there are so many great restaurants in Vancouver, but interestingly enough our quest has changed a little. We are now making some side-trips to seafood.

I would have to say that these side-trips are thanks mostly to my friend. She is the one really introduced me to how good seafood can be. I was always reluctant to eat seafood in Canada. I grew up in Malaysia so I was no stranger to seafood, but I always found that I loved how it was cooked over there. The seafood was always mixed with many spices and other savoury sauces, so the “fishy” taste was always zested up in the most lovely way. However here, seafood is not mixed with spices and is pretty much left to stand on its own. As such, I wasn’t a big fan of it.

All of that changed when my friend introduced me to steamed mussels. To her credit, my friend had tried to introduce me to mussels many, many times, but I always turned my nose up at it as I often found it to be giving off a strange “fishy” smell. That was until we tried them at the restaurant at the Tigh-na-ma-ra spa resort in Parksville. She had ordered some mussels for herself, but I was intrigued my luscious smells coming from the plate. I finally broke down and tried some, and I felt like a whole new realm of flavours was now opened up to me. From this foray into shellfish, I began to peruse the seafood section of a menu before making a bee-line to the biggest steak on the menu.

Now I am pleased to say I am actually trying the seafood entrees that I have often wondered about. For instance, this weekend, my friend and I walked to Provence (yes, another 75 minute walk), and we both tried bouillabaisse. I am happy to say that we both enjoyed the dish and the double chocolate Khaluha cake (this time I have pics!)

And as my friend had pointed out to me about a month ago, we really should back off from the steaks. We both are getting to the age where we need to worry about our cholesterol.

So now instead of finding the best steak dish, I am now on a quest to find the best seafood in Vancouver. I am eager to try all those fish dishes that I always wondered about but was too scared to try (swordfish, sablefish, artic char etc.). And as I’m sampling all these fish dishes, I am also hoping to increase the good cholesterol and flush out the bad.

Does anyone have any recommendations for good seafood restaurants? If so, let me know!

Double Chocolate Khaluha cake

Double Chocolate Khaluha cake


Stephanie 08.07.09 at 10:43 am

You just GOTTA try William Tell!!! I had their sablefish and it was THE BEST!

Kim 08.07.09 at 10:45 am

Shierley…Kettle of Fish at the North end of Burrard (the name says it all!), Salmon House in West Vancouver, Aqua Riva…and pretty much any westcoast inspired restaurant inVancouver will have a delactable seafood entree. Seasons in the Park makes a mean crab cake!!

Erin 08.07.09 at 12:13 pm

I think we have a real contest going on…who can take the better food pictures? Jolene or Shierely?

Jolene 08.07.09 at 12:41 pm

If you can get anyone to walk with you all the way to Toronto:
I guarantee the Food Building is worth it.

Shierley Chelliah 08.07.09 at 4:09 pm

I don’t need to walk. I will be flying there tomorrow so all I need to do is walk to the Food building from my hotel. Woohoo! I’ll have more pics to share!

Shierley Chelliah 08.07.09 at 4:12 pm

Thanks for all the suggestions! I definitely want to to go to the Kettle of Fish. I’ve already gone to Aqua Riva and Seasons in the Park and they are awesome restaurants! And I agree that the crab cake at Seasons is fabulous!

Shierley Chelliah 08.07.09 at 4:13 pm

Me! I’m going out of town and I plan to bring back lots and lots of pictures! 😛

Shierley Chelliah 08.07.09 at 4:16 pm

William Tell? I have never heard of it. Where is it? Tell me more, tell me more!

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