
by Patricia Parker on August 9, 2009

I hope you’re enjoying a nice break from the searing hot temperatures of last week. It sure makes it easier to motivate myself to get going. I kept up with swimming this week, making it to the pool three times and I walked every day. One of my colleagues is going to Aquasize, so I’ll join her for some company. I haven’t picked up my pedometer yet, so I can’t report on the 10,000 step challenge. I did do some research regarding food and, as with most internet searches, I found an interesting and helpful site along the way to support me is achieving a healthier life.

First of all, let’s talk about food. I’ve been receiving a “Daily Recipe” from Dr. Andrew Weil for quite a few years. The recipes I’ve tried are good. He supports eating local, organic produce and free range meat and dairy products. He also supports sustainable fisheries. I first encountered Dr. Weil on Public Television. I have also read one of his books about living a long and healthy life. His advice is very practical and most of it is no cost, just minor changes to shopping and cooking habits. You can also get his cheery newsletter by signing up below:

This week, I’ve been incorporating more vegetables and fruit into my daily menu. I’ve managed to get 5-6 daily servings of this deliciousness. I’ve been avoiding potato based carbs and focusing more on whole grains, basmati and brown rice, along with whole wheat (WW) pasta. I’m not fond of WW pasta. I find it has too much texture for my liking. I will start making my WW pasta from scratch again, one of these days…For now; I’ll stick to one of the organic varieties from the grocery store. I’ve been fairly consistent about eating a bowl of bran in the morning with a sliced banana on top…I’m actually starting to like it.

I also wrote last week about doing a recipe search of the Heart and Stroke Foundation. On my way to the recipe index, I stumbled across this:

Well, I was intrigued by the serendipity. I signed up and took the first lesson. Did you know that a “medium potato” is the size of a computer mouse (I weep. I would have considered that a very SMALL potato) or that a serving of cheese is the size of four small dice (obviously, I’m not using my good thinking when deciding a portion of these foods)? Aside from those shocks, there is a helpful daily diary which logs food intake and exercise.

In general, I feel far more energized and sleep better at night. I have found, though, that my favorite hobby, knitting, is getting left in the basket. I just don’t have the same amount of “down time”. Oh well, don’t count on a homemade Christmas present this year!!
Till next time


Erin 08.10.09 at 9:12 am

4 small dice? Holy comoly….

Patti Parker 08.10.09 at 9:15 am

Sad, isn’t it….Check out the Heart and Stroke Foundation website and follow the “Achieving a Healthy Weight” option to the portion size worksheet…..There’s a lot of info there

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