Food for thought

by Grace on August 14, 2009

Patti shouted “Nice posture!” as I walked by her office the other day.  Thanks for noticing, Patti.

And thanks to Jolene for correcting my sitting posture.  It’s the benefit of having an ergonomist in the office.

Since my last post, my back pain has improved.  A lot.  It’s amazing what good posture can do.

Encouraged by the improvement, I registered for yoga classes to keep it up.  Classes start in September.


People who know me know that I don’t have a sweet tooth.  My preference is for savoury foods.  When I snack (which is often), I munch on potato chips.

Everyone knows that potato chips fall in the junk food category but I never really thought about how they are bad for you.  Then I read an article in Wellness Options magazine that explained this.

Potato chips are high in a substance called acrylamide which reduces the level of antioxidants in the body.   Ingesting acrylamide may lead to a build up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances in the arteries.  This build up can lead to stroke and heart diseases.

Must lay off the chips.


Erin 08.14.09 at 3:53 pm

I wish the effects of unhealthy behaviours were more immediate. e.g. eat five bags of chips in one week and then get the flu.

Now that would be motivation…

Grace 08.17.09 at 11:22 am

and being able to see the physical effects would be helpful too. having the flu is much more obvious than clogged arteries.

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