Shierely’s Replacement by Stephanie Thomson

by Juliana on August 14, 2009


My name is Stephanie Thomson, and I’ll be replacing Shierley for the next two weeks. Consider me a guest blogger.

So I guess I should start by telling everyone a little about myself and my goals etc. I am just about to turn 28 and like everyone that hits this age knows your metabolism just doesn’t pull its own weight anymore. I can honestly say that I’ve been blessed with great genes, but they definitely need help these days.

I was always an athletic kid, so I’m trying to get back into that mode as an adult. Let’s just say it’s not working that well. I played beer league softball all summer but the emphasis was more on the beer than the softball.

This fall I have already signed up for volleyball and…. Wait for it…. Dodgeball!! I realize neither of those sports give you endurance, but they’ll get me moving at least and out of the house, away from the TV (oh how I love TV).

 My long term goal for the year is to run a half marathon with my friend next year. Right now I can run about 5km without dying, but that’s about it. I’ve set the bar high and told everyone I know (and now many I don’t) so that I will be shamed into accomplishing it.

I wish I could say that I love working out and running, but the truth is I hate it. I always feel great after, but getting me into the gym is hard work, just ask my boyfriend!

 Anywho, I hope that everyone has a great week. Be like me and fight through the laziness and get out there and get active. I have a goal to go to the gym 4 times next week, so I’ll report back on my success (or failure) next Friday.


Pierre 08.17.09 at 2:27 pm

Welcome aboard, Stephanie!
Ok, to help you (and me) along, I’ll shoot for 4 gym days this week, too. The one who fails to reach this goal has to buy the other one lunch.
We’ll campare score cards on Monday the 24th. Deal?


Steph 08.17.09 at 2:44 pm

You are on Pierre. If we both accomplish the goal then we earn a treat! Or we continue the challenge the next week and keep up the good work.


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