Love Those Ribs…Really!

by Ted Sedgwick on August 20, 2009


Welcome back blog readers!I’ve been trying to catch up on reading the blogs that I have missed. I love the food content but my reference to ribs here is on a quite different track!
I have been on ‘vacation’ for the past two weeks. This was a scheduled break but as I noted in my last blog, I managed an unscheduled break – of a rib- two days before my leave. I believe it was one of the floating ribs (#11 or 12 in your Anatomy Textbook, see below) but lets just call him Adam. Things did not bode well for maintaining any type of physical activity that I had planned for my holiday.


This episode did give me the opportunity to get reacquainted with our medical system and how it does and does not work well. The prognosis was for full recovery in 6 weeks. The medical advice was simple: breath deeply and ‘stay ahead of the pain’ with drugs. Adam enjoyed the drugs and they allowed me to get to sleep very easily. Unfortunately their effects didn’t last as long as I wanted to sleep, so the first few days were uncomfortable, euphemistically speaking. I had been forewarned about the effects of sneezing but it couldn’t be avoided and I remain undecided as to whether trying to stifle a sneeze is any less painful. Adam persuaded me that going for long bike rides or making use of the Kitsilano pool was out of the question. Yoga stretching wasn’t even a consideration!
I can report that things have improved dramatically and I have been able to resume cycling to work . Adam is still not convinced that swimming is a good idea.

I guess the ‘take home’ message is found in the adage : you don’t know what you’ve got ‘till its gone. We take our bodies – and all its parts – for granted until something goes wrong. We can’t always avoid the accidents but we can be prepared and perhaps offset the severity of them by keeping in reasonable condition. I expect this would apply to mental as well as physical conditioning, to combat physical trauma as well as disease states. Get to know what you can do by listening to your body, tune it up, and appreciate those ribs!


Suzanne 08.20.09 at 2:24 pm

Ted- so sorry to hear about Adam! I thought when I read your title that I was going to learn about how you bbq’d some babyback ribs while on vacation! 🙂

Grace 08.21.09 at 12:10 pm

Hope you’re feeling better.

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