More from Guest Blogger Stephanie Thomson

by Juliana on August 21, 2009

That's me in the front.  Purple headband and all.

That's me in the front. Purple headband and all.

So I ended last week with a note that said I was planning on going to the gym 4 times this week. Well I can tell you that my week didn’t start off so good.

I lazed about on Sunday (as I think all Sundays should be spent) and then Monday I had a friend visit whom I haven’t seen in a while, so I didn’t go again.

Well by this point it wasn’t looking good… but I’m super proud to say that I have been 3 times… Tues-Thurs! So now I just have to do something active tomorrow and I’ve met my goal!!

Last night was the hardest. I’m a little stiff (not surprising considering how lazy I’ve been in the last couple of months) and I was sitting watching How I Met You Mother when I told myself I had to go.

So 8:30pm I headed off to the gym. I can honestly say that it took all my will power to get up and get going but it was worth it! I felt great afterwards. Now all I have to add on this subject is: Pierre I think you are going to owe me lunch!

Now I want to quickly talk about my upcoming dodgeball season. Basically, I think that it’s really important that you find activities that you enjoy playing or doing so that you don’t feel like you are doing a chore.

That’s why I’m sooooo excited about the upcoming dodgeball season. Yes… it is just like the movie and the game you played in elementary school gym. There are only 6 of you out on a small court and there are nerf balls coming for you from all angles. It is a great game for working on your peripheral vision! Check out the pics from when we played last year.

My big message for this week is be proud of your accomplishments and get out there and try something new! I’m super motivated to keep up my activities because I have more confidence in my ability to meet my goals, even if they are small ones.

Get out there and get active and I’ll chat with you the next time I guest blog!


Erin Creak 08.21.09 at 6:17 pm

I dig the socks. And the headband.

Jolene 08.24.09 at 9:40 am

I’ll see you on the dodgeball court this fall!
What’s your team name? …So I know when to ‘bring it’.

Pierre 08.26.09 at 9:03 am

Steph, I’m not sure if I owe you lunch, or what…. Though I had an active last week, I only went to the gym three times (not four, as the bet went). I think it was a draw….. Let me know!

Pierre 08.26.09 at 9:21 am

I was quickly catching up on reading the latest blog entries and – being distracted by a certain headband – I misread a portion of your last blog entry.

I (happily) DO owe you lunch! Good job!!! We’ll talk day and menu..

Even though I “lost” our bet, it DID do some good, as it was what got me to the gym on two of those three occasions!

Come on folks – let’s not look past this great motivational tool!!!

Steph 08.26.09 at 10:49 am

Haha… I think that you do owe me lunch Pierre! I somehow made it four times!

And Jolene… it’s on like Donkey Kong! Our team name is the Muffin Monsters and we play on Thursdays!

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