Journey to Good Health

by Rick Byers on August 24, 2009

At the same time that I was enjoying cycling around Kits Beach, English Bay and Stanley Park, I began attending the local gym at 12th and Arbutus on cold, rainy days in the fall and winter.


When I am no longer doing yard work due to the change in the weather, I try to manage two trips to the gym per week.


I found that the local gyms associated with the community centers such as arenas and/or pools are perfectly fine for the purpose that I require.  While they might not have the number and/or quality of machines compared to higher end facilities, they have the fundamental equipment to get started and maintain a program. I have also found that they are often less expensive on a drop-in or membership basis.


As per my previous blog of August 10th, I noted that repetition and duration of the activity works best for me. I already have a program that I was set up on by an instructor from years ago as I need to focus on the same areas for improvement.


To note, I would recommend that you have an assessment by a professional first in order to be set up on a program that will be appropriate. Be sure to explain to them exactly what you wish to achieve. It may cost a few dollars but the benefits can be life long, providing you with more energy, stamina and an improved quality of life. Some extended health plans may allow or provide for some offset to your cost. Employers recognize the value of having healthy employees.


The length of my visit to the gym is usually about 70 minutes. I start off with a 10 to 15 minute stretch. Most important. Thirty minutes is spent on the stationary bike: moderate pace for about 10 minutes, followed by stronger pace for 5 minutes, followed by moderate pace for 5 minutes, followed by stronger pace for 5 minutes, followed by easy or cool down pace for 5 minutes.


I then rotate 20 reps each at a medium lift (for me – 50 lbs) on the three areas of the Universal involving forearm, shoulders and upper body. This takes about 10 minutes. I move slowly. I then walk the gym for 5 minutes, then repeat the regimen at 70 lbs.


Next week: exercising while on vacation.

Have a week of good health,