Confessions of a Chocoholic

by Jolene Cooper on August 25, 2009

It’s time for a recap:

Last week I set 3 goals to make fitness a part of daily life.
My three strategies were to:
1.  Join a recreational sport league.
2.  Exercise with friends, to keep me motivated.
3. Try new activities that bring me out of my comfort zone.
Last week, I signed up for a recreational dodgeball league with some friends, so that covers #1 and #2. I have plans with some friends to tackle the Grouse Grind once again this weekend, which incorporates #2 and #3, as I doubt I’ll ever be comfortable on the Grind. I went ziplining last week, which definitely had #3 covered.
I would say I’ve been fairly successful incorporating regular exercise into my routine, but I can’t say the same for cutting out the snacking.
Two weeks ago, I shared some strategies to help reduce my snacking. Let me update you on my progress, or regress, I should say.

First, I’ll remind you of my 3 strategies:
1. Keep busy.
2. Avoid eating after 8pm.
3. Don’t purchase unhealthy snack foods.

I actually followed all of my own rules, but somehow found myself snacking even more than normal. I was pretty busy last week, didn’t eat late at night, and I didn’t buy any unhealthy snack foods at the grocery store. I did however, venture out for ice cream and indulged on a package of peanut butter M&Ms one night.

I think my downfall was that I failed to keep my house stocked with healthy snacking alternatives. I’d like to blame my local market for having poor quality produce on the day I went shopping, but I really didn’t put in any effort to go anywhere else. This week I’ll put in the effort to stock up on extra fruits and veggies and hopefully my sweet tooth will be satisfied by healthy alternatives.

In the meantime, is there such a thing as Chocoholics Anonymous? I think I would be their leader. Does anyone have effective strategies to overcome a chocolate addiction?

Chocoholics unite!


Ted 08.25.09 at 2:29 pm

Re: your chocolate addiction. The solution: if you ever come into possession of a good quality chocolate product, pass it on immediately to a colleague! 🙂

Erin Creak 08.25.09 at 2:51 pm

I try to eat dark chocolate whenever I have a craving (note: I use the word “try” as I’m not always successful). I usually eat less dark chocolate that I would if I had the same amount of milk chocolate.

Steph 08.25.09 at 3:15 pm

Thanks Jolene – now you’ve started my craving of the day!!! 🙂

Jolene 08.25.09 at 4:25 pm

So it seems I’m not alone in my chocolate addiction.
Maybe our HSE meetings should double as Chocoholics not-so-Anonymous meetings.

Suzanne 08.26.09 at 10:55 am

Hahaha! I ate three pieces of carrot cake yesterday (not all in one sitting, thank goodness). I’m no help my friend!

If it’s nice tomorrow- want to meet up for yoga?

Jolene 08.26.09 at 2:29 pm

Y is for Yes
and Yoga.

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