What I did on my Summer Vacation

by Juliana on August 28, 2009

So I’m back from my two week vacation. My first week was spent in Ottawa and Toronto and while you may be thinking I probably spent most of it eating…well I did.

If you would like to see the food I ate, just look below.

Food in Toronto

But what you might be surprised to find out was that I also did some exercise during my vacation too. I did the following somewhat strenuous activities:

  1. Climbed 10 flights of stairs to go back to my hotel room after a false fire alarm at 3am (this happened on my first night in Toronto).
  2. Ran for cover when I got caught in a thunder and lightning storm when walking back from dinner in Toronto’s Entertainment District.
  3. Climbed several stairs while going up to the towers of Casa Loma.
  4. Sweated bucket loads while touring Casa Loma because I visited it on one of the hottest days of the year and there was no air-conditioning.
  5. Ran to make the traffic lights several time when walking around downtown (both in Ottawa and Toronto).
  6. Walked around Toronto trying to find a Best Buy when my camera broke.
  7. Walked to MacDonald’s, Tim Horton’s, Rideau Centre, Dunn’s, Kama, Utsav, Spring Rolls, Second Cup whenever I wanted to have breakfast, snacks, lunch or dinner.
  8. Went on a Haunted Walking Tour of Ottawa which lasted about 90 minutes.
  9. Walked on the Rideau Canal.
  10. Walked around the National Gallery of Canada and Royal Ontario Museums (which were air-conditioned).

Sufficed to say, I managed to gain a little weight by the time I landed back in Vancouver. Which was why I forced myself to go for a power walk (1 hour and 15 minutes) or work out at the gym (45 -55 minutes) during the second week of my vacation.

Interestingly enough, the exercising really helped me to get over the plane trip. I am always notorious for not being the best plane traveller and I am always left feeling jet-lagged and lethargic after flying. The exercising really helped me get over that feeling faster and get back to my normal self.

The chocoholic, meat eating, smartie smuggling normal self, of course 🙂


Ted 09.01.09 at 4:00 pm

I think you have everything under control if you ‘walked on the Rideau Canal’ . I’ve only heard of one other guy that has been able to pull that one off! 🙂

Shierley Chelliah 09.03.09 at 9:15 pm

Well to be honest, I didn’t walk the whole canal. I might have walked may be 1km or 2km of it. May be next time I’m in Ottawa I’ll be up for the challenge.

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