Joy of Food

by Juliana on September 11, 2009

iStock_000002441240SmallI have a confession to make.

The reason why I haven’t talked about food for the last couple of weeks is because I haven’t craved it.

I eat of course, but the act of eating didn’t have its usual “zing” to it.  I was pretty much going through the motions.  I was eating for sustenance and there was no joy in it.

That was until last Saturday when I was watching TV and I had a major case of the munchies.

And I mean major.

I got up, went to the kitchen, got some potato chips and INDULGED.  And yesterday I indulged in my Mother’s chicken curry.  My taste buds are still dancing from the experience.

While I am quite happy that my joy of food is now back, it does cause me a little bit of a stress.  With my increase in good food intake, this means that I will need to to up my workout a little.  The 1 hour and 15 minute walks are just not going to cut it.  I will need to include some jogging in there if I want to keep the pounds off.

But my increase in exercising will need to start tomorrow.

As I said, I am meeting a friend for dinner tonight.

Any suggestions on where to go?  Remember, my joy of food is back so I want to INDULGE!


Kim 09.11.09 at 3:25 pm

The Watermark at Kits Beach…such a great night to enjoy the view!

Shierley Chelliah 09.12.09 at 3:26 pm

We will be going to the Watermark next time. We decided instead to go to your other suggestion, “Kettle of Fish”. It was absolutely wonderful. Everything we had there was heavenly tasty.

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