Sour Grapes? More like Bitter Apples.

by Jolene Cooper on September 22, 2009

If you’re in a good mood today, you may want to skip my post this week.

You still there?
OK, don’t say I didn’t warn you…

I’ve previously expressed my desire to reduce my whining and complaining, and since instigated a rule, along with some coworkers, that complaining is reserved for Mondays and Mondays only.  We’ve also tried to come up with a daily “best thing” (BT), taking Suzanne’s suggestion to focus on the good things rather than the bad. While I do think my whining has been reduced, I’ve also realized that my blogging falls on Tuesdays, and only in the cases of holiday Mondays have we allowed complaints on any other day.  Well today I’m breaking the rule, and be forewarned, I’m not holding back.

I’ll start with my chiropractor appointment last week. For a month or so, I’ve suspected that I’m not benefitting from treatment anymore, and for the last few weeks, I really haven’t felt the need for a chiropractic adjustment. I know what you’re thinking, “isn’t this good news?” and the simple answer is “Yes. BUT …” I honoured my appointment, even though I felt it unnecessary, where my chiropractor began adjusting areas that haven’t needed adjustments previously. So please explain to me why I felt better than I have in months and somehow required extra chiropractic care? Ok that is a bit of an exaggeration, my doctor did say I’ve made great improvements and can now reduce the frequency of treatment, but then why do my knees and ankles require adjustments all of a sudden? 

Obviously, I am not a chiropractor, and I wouldn’t normally challenge their expertise, but I’m seriously puzzled. Especially since receiving adjustment on my ankle last week, I’ve experienced numerous bouts of locking and joint weakness. Now don’t overreact, I occasionally experience these symptoms in my left ankle due to a surgery over 10 years ago, but complete joint instability has been quite rare until last week.

So now what do I do? What can be done when the person I should be complaining to, is the very cause of the complaint.  Should I dump my chiropractor and hope my ankle settles into it’s old groove? Or seek an alternative chiropractor? Or return to my chiropractor and file my complaint.

Oh, and I’m not done there. I’ve also noticed my skin has been exceptionally dry the last few weeks. I’m not sure if this is due to the change in season, but no amount of moisturizer seems to do the trick. Is there some west coast secret I’m not privy to?

If you haven’t already figured it out, I crave consistency, so these issues really annoy me, even though it must just sound like sour grapes to most of you. Bitter apples is more like it. My daily apple is often the highlight of my lunch hour, but I haven’t been able to locate a decent quality apple in the last month. Lately, my apples have been extra waxy and stale tasting. I usually stick to Spartan, as their pretty reliable in the taste department, but every time I go to the market, they’re either not there or all bruised.
Is there some super dependable and extra tasty fruit market out there that I don’t know about yet?

If only they tasted as good as they looked...

If only they tasted as good as they looked...

That ought to satisfy my need to complain until the next holiday Monday…


Erin Creak 09.22.09 at 3:40 pm

#1. Re: chiro. If it were up to me, I would seek a second opinion.
#2. Re: dry skin. You must be imagining things. It’s the west coast.
#3. Re: good apples? I’ve noticed that Kin’s Farm Market often has samples out of their produce. So you can taste before you buy. But the locations might not be great for you.

Kim 09.23.09 at 9:12 am

The Apple Festival is coming up very soon down at the UBC Botanical Gardens! You should definately check it out!

As for the chiro, I’m suspect of them in the first place but, did they give you any strengthening exercises to help? And I agree with Erin. Perhaps a 2nd opinion is due.

Ted 09.23.09 at 3:11 pm

1. Make apple sauce
2. Drop the chiro and go for physio!

Jolene 09.24.09 at 10:02 am

Thanks everyone!
Apple Festival, I am intrigued! Apples are the one redeeming quality of fall, if you ask me. Does anyone know how to make apple sauce at home? I have a magic bullet, can i use that? What do i use as a liquid?
Mmm..or apple pie. Yes. I must pay a visit to the Apple Festival.
As for Chiro, I think i’m done with him, I think i’m out of money to pay for him anyways.

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