Motivation: Do you think getting fit just happens?

by Patricia Parker on September 27, 2009

Hi, folks. I’m back. Pardon the furlong from the blog. Sundays at my house were a flurry of activity for the last couple of weeks as the new school year began and the old routines were reestablished.

Speaking of routines, well, my fitness routine has taken a turn for the neglected. Walking 5 k a day is established and reducing fat and salt in my usual recipes has become the new norm. There have been no new revelations or new kinks in my muscles worthy of note. There are some new babies in my world that required some concentrated knitting time, but that is for the other blog. The knitting projects are just about off the sticks and I need an activity that kicks things up a notch before the grey skies of November make me want to hibernate until March.

I’m not sure what new or renewed endeavour will keep me motivated to stick with some sort of fitness routine. Do any of you have ideas? I’d prefer something I could do in my sleep. I’ve tried visualizing a thinner, fitter me…but that hasn’t really taken hold yet. I’m open for suggestions. Keep in mind that I’ve got to overcome a certain degree of inertia, both mentally and physically. I hope I’ll be able to outline a reinvigorated plan next time…



James Terry 09.30.09 at 1:55 am

oh I wish we could all lose weight in sleep – how wonderful that would be. For me taking baby steps always helps. On days or weeks when I am really lacking motivation, I do small routines – may be just a 20 minute walk will do for me for that day – with my favorite podcast – listening to music or inspirational talks while working out always helps…Good luck

Patti Parker 09.30.09 at 10:05 am

Thanks, James. What started out with a bang has become a fizzle…I do walk daily and rarely use the car (I don’t drive anyway so I don’t ask for a lift anymore)…I seem to have reached a plateau where the walking is the new norm and my ol’ body has set the new threshold. I’ll try downloading Carol King’s “Your Beautiful” and George Harrison’s “Her Comes the Sun” (does that betray my age). That usually motivates me for Housework…along with some salty Janis Joplin…That may be just the boost I need…I’ll let you know

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