Yoga at UBC BodyWorks & Tips to Increase Water Consumption

by Suzanne Jolly on September 29, 2009

Last week I was fortunate enough to get to blog about my experience doing yoga at the UBC Rec Centre.  Because of that, UBC Bodyworks invited me to come try out a yoga class at their facility.

This class was an iyengar class, which is not something I’m used to.  I was really pleased at how small the class size was, because Terri (the instructor) took the time to position each one of us practically on every yoga position.  That type of one-on-one care hasn’t been something I’ve gotten a lot of in my other yoga experiences, but I guess that’s more typical with Iyengar style (but I’m not sure about that!).  Also, we used a lot of props and belts and such (also typical of iyengar), which made things a little more interesting.  Although the class was held in Osbourne gym, I was impressed at how quiet it was there.  I also have to admit that it was a really great group of people- we chuckled a little when we couldn’t hold a pose, and it was nice to be doing this program with other faculty/staff (BodyWorks focuses on adults who work or live at UBC).  Honestly though, I still really like having yoga in a yoga studi0- where it seems less like a workout and more inclusive of peace and restfulness, since it’s a bit more stress-relieving for me- but it was nice to also work my body (which can also be a form of stress relief!).  It’s just about priorities right now- if I didn’t already work my body with climbing, I think I would use yoga like this more as a toning program.   Instead, I’ve discovered that the yoga I need has to be movement and peacefulness all wrapped up into one.

Terri should be proud though today- I showed off one of the poses to a colleague and I could barely display it for a moment, since I’m so sore! (we started doing it first, leaning up against the wall).

Thanks very much to Brian at BodyWorks for letting me join in and for Terri for being so welcoming!

Suzanne’s Sneaky Ways to Increase Water Consumption

  • Sneak it into juice (half juice, half water- I do no sugar added juice, I might add, because it’s got lots of flavour!).
  • Carry around a water bottle (thanks to UBC Public Affairs for my new A Place of Mind bottle that I got at the Staff & Faculty Welcome Back BBQ).
  • Water is my panacea.  Don’t feel well? Then I must be dehydrated! I don’t have much energy? I better drink more water! Want to change the world today? I drink more (tap) water.
  • Stop wasting my money buying drinks that don’t hydrate me (I save money by not buying as much juice, as many coffees, etc).
  • Always order a water with my meal (along with something else if I want to drink something else too) and have it replenished at least once during the meal.

(P.S. In terms of my Battle against Coffee- I had a coffee on Monday [and was surprised that no one gave me a hard time about it when I arrived with it in hand at the Place of Mind information session!])

 P.S.S. Feel better Jolene!

My Best Thing Today: Finishing Work right now (at 4:45!) after running full-tilt all day [and feeling scatter-brained].