Cold and Flu Season

by Grace on October 2, 2009


We’re barely into fall and I’m already sick with a cold.  I remember when I used to rarely get sick but now I seem to be getting sick at least twice a year.  I always just get a cold and nothing serious but I am a bit concerned by the frequency.  My symptoms are usually always the same – sore throat, runny nose, feeling dizzy and tired – that get progressively worse for the first few days before I start to recover.

So it was with great interest when I read Suzanne’s flu prevention plan:  Suzanne shares some tips on how to stay healthy during the flu season.  I have followed most of the tips Suzanne mentions in a conscious effort to prevent the flu/cold but I still managed to get sick.  The only thing I wasn’t able to do was to avoid people who are sick.  This was very hard to follow when everyone around me has been ill – family, friends, co-workers.  In an effort not to spread my germs to people around me, I keep a bottle of hand sanitizer with me that I use constantly.

{ 1 comment }

Suzanne Jolly 10.06.09 at 4:02 pm

Thanks so much for your compliments Grace! Sorry you got sick though! 🙁

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