Tired of Flat Tires!

by Ted Sedgwick on October 8, 2009












Fall = Dark + Cold + Wet. ≠ desire for outdoor exercise + flat tires on bicycle = “end-of-  commuting-to-work-by-bicycle” season. 

I could see my bicycle commuting season coming to an end last week as the temperature in the mornings got below my comfort level.  The changes in weather happen every year about this time but I find it uncanny that so often the last straw is getting repeated flat tires. Seems to happen every year.  This is very annoying as I try to squeeze out the last days of fair weather commuting – even a couple of days a week would satisfy me:  I’d be taking advantage of our fine autumn weather, getting some exercise and saving enough to justify my Starbuck’s habit.   But after two flat tires this week I am resigned to take public transit to work.

  I’m fortunate to have the transit routes available that limit my commute to about 25 minutes.  For this I should be grateful, even if it means commuting in vehicles exquisitely designed as incubators for every transmissible germ known to mankind. If I were paranoid about H1N1, I’d avoid the bus system altogether!  Think about it the next time you are standing on the bus. : the lack of normal ‘interpersonal space’ that might apply to casual encounters certainly benefits the transmission of air borne disease.  And think about the bars that you have to hang on to or the plastic handles designed for all primates to swing on. Relax into the nice warm, humid environment and contemplate how you might design a better means of spreading communicable diseases.  It would be difficult.   But perhaps there are health benefits to riding the bus: the exposure to the ‘germ-of-the-day’ that keeps the immune system on its toes.  Perhaps one day they will name a flu bug after transit riders.

I could devote an entire session to a rant on public transport- and perhaps I will- but I will have a break next week. I’m off to scuba dive in the islands north of Port Hardy.

Yeah, it will be dark, cold and definitely wet- but at least I won’t have to contend with a flat tire!


Jolene 10.09.09 at 9:36 am

Suzanne and I were having that exact bus=H1N1 incubator discussion on the bus ride home last night!
My only strategy to combat this is to use one hand to hold the bar or handle and keep one hand in your pocket, or away from any surface. Then I use my ‘bus hand’ to open all the door handles until I can get to my hand sanitizer or hand soap. I’m also prone to itchy eyes and runny noses so I’ve got my ‘non-bus hand’ to take care of my symptoms, while ensuring I don’t pick up everyone elses.

Becky 10.21.09 at 12:13 am

I just found this great article by Rose Cole talking about how when you’re thyroid is a little low it makes you gain weight and be tired all the time, and what to do about it. It’s very interesting. http://www.rosecole.com/articles/balance-hormones/thyroid.html Just thought I would pass this along!

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