Fly Away Sad Sorrows!

by Suzanne Jolly on October 13, 2009

I started talking about this last week, and I’m at the same place today. Maybe it’s the way I’m seeing the world, the way I’m feeling, or maybe it really is true: everyone seems really tired and down right now. 

Is there something in the water?  Is it the slowly changing weather?  Is it turkey hangover?  It was like this last week too, and I can’t really figure out why.

Certainly there’s lots of tough things going on in all our lives. But why does it suddenly feel a little more overwhelming?  And why does it feel like everyone feels as down and lethargic as I do?

I don’t know the reason, but I can’t tolerate it any longer.  I’m trying so hard to pull myself (and whomever else I can manage) out of this slump, but the small things that usually work aren’t working.  Although it did feel good to win that computer game that I shared last week… I’m finding that the overall general setting on my mood meter these days is: “down”.  That’s different because normal for me usually feels pretty ok.

I’m even having problems coming up with My BT today!

So something has to change.  Right now.  And so here’s my dedication:

1. Yoga.  I’m doing some tonight if it kills me.  And doing it on Thursday night too.

2. Climbing.  I know it’s supposed to rain.  So I’m going climbing indoors either tomorrow or friday night.

3.  Dealing with an issue with a friend that’s been making very sad. I will get some closure either tomorrow or Friday night.

4. I’m going to make dinner for my friend on Thursday.  And I do my best to focus on big positive things, like dreams and wishes and funny stories and all things wonderful. And we’ll make healthy food to help our mood.

5. I’m having my first appointment with my psychologist tomorrow.  (I just dare you to judge me.  Did you know that UBC has great benefits that cover most of a visit?  So, honestly, I might just think you’re crazy if you’re NOT seeing someone!).

6. I’m going to write. I’ve started taking a freelance writing course (thanks to my UBC benefits! I love UBC!) and it makes me inspired to write (and hopefully publish).

So I challenge all of you who are reading this, who are feeling down or lethargic.  Can you do something to get our of your funk?  It’s really hard to drag myself to even commit to writing this post, but I have to do it. As the Chinese proverb says:  “You cannot prevent the birds of sadness from passing over your head, but you can prevent their making a nest in your hair.” (I’d argue against this if this proverb was talking about those with depression and other mental illness though!)

First things (if you’re feeling a little like me) that I’d recommend:

Checking that it’s not something more serious:

Talking to your doc about your health, in case there’s something else that’s making you feel tired/down.

Anyways, best of luck to you all.  May happiness and laughter rain down upon you.

My Best Thing Today: Writing this makes me feel like I’m going to feel better soon.  Hope is a great thing.


Pierre 10.14.09 at 12:16 pm

This is a terrific posting, Suzanne. It’s important for us to share the downs as well as the ups. Maybe even more so.

I used UBC’s counselling services about 7 years ago – to deal with negative self-talk issues – and they were great. I quickly learned that most of the time there is nothing “wrong with us”, we just sometimes develop bad thought-habits. It took a few sessons and then I didn’t need them any more, and I never have again, as I remember what I’d learned -> I no longer allow my “internal critic” to move in and give me grief.
This may not apply to you but it’s an example of how a qualified external perspective can help us turn things around for ourselves. The hardest part for me at the time, I remember, was making that initial call!

Suzanne 10.16.09 at 1:32 pm

Thanks Pierre. It was a bit hard to write… but I believe in honesty and integrity… so thanks for being with me on that one.

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