Giving Fall the Cold Shoulder

by Jolene Cooper on October 13, 2009

grind (9)                                         






So, it’s not Summer anymore. Officially.
Alright, so it might have been officially autumn weeks ago, but I was still hoping Summer would blend seamlessly into Spring and Autumn and Winter would be skipped entirely.
For all of those people who love Fall and Winter, I make no apologies.
Fall and Winter means I’m constantly wearing my coat indoors, sporting a runny nose and frozen fingers.

I’m still struggling to get over my cold from a few weeks ago, but as my respiratory system is always the slowest to recover, maintaining my regular running schedule is proving to be challenging.
In the summer, I noticed that everytime I did the Grouse Grind, my lung capacity temporarily increased, making my next run a breeze, so to speak.

grind (2)So, being the impatient person I am, decided to hike the Grind yesterday in hopes of recovering my respiratory system ahead of schedule.
I can’t tell if it worked yet or not, but I can tell you it was quite the challenge.
I should have realized that if my lungs weren’t functioning fast enough for my running, they surely weren’t going to cooperate for climbing Grouse. 


But I survived. I made it to the top, both sweating and hypothermic.
Figure that one out.

grind (8)

So while I may have temporarily increased my lung function, I might’ve gotten myself sick all over again.
The path up Grouse was paved with good intentions?
If I accomplished nothing else, I’m almost positive I worked off my turkey dinner.


Pierre 10.14.09 at 10:52 am

Nice job Jolene! Talk about saying No! to excuses! You’ve inspired me to try to get up there again this weekend. What are we, masochists?!

I hope you’re feeling OK today….

Jolene 10.15.09 at 9:47 am

Thanks Pierre!
I’m still not back to my usual self, but the hike definitely helped push things in the right direction.
We might be masochists, but if one hike up the Grind will help ease my guilt from not exercising all week, I think it’s worth it.

Rick Byers 10.18.09 at 4:17 pm

At least you should get A+ for effort…It is not always the end result that justifys the means……good for you!

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