
by Grace on October 16, 2009

Although I haven’t actually weighed myself recently, I”m sure I’ve gained a few pounds in the last few weeks.  This is not really surprising as I have been eating more than I should be and I have stopped exercising.  Will need to be careful.

Last week, I wrote that I am supposed to avoid cheese and bread.  It is not really working out well.  Obviously need to work on my willpower.  I went out to dinner with some friends last night for pasta.  It is close to impossible to avoid cheese and bread at an Italian restaurant.  I decided to have one piece of garlic bread.  Then another.  Then another.  I’m sure I ate the most bread by the end of the evening.  After dinner, one friend invited us to his apartment for drinks and there was a lovely selection of cheeses.  I tried to resist for a while.  Then I reasoned that it would be offensive to the host if I did not eat some cheese after all his hard work of going to the store, carrying the cheese home, and placing them on a plate.  I did not want to be a rude guest so I ate the cheese.