Journey to Good Health

by Rick Byers on October 19, 2009

In an earlier blog, I commented on the remarkable timing that Nature has in welcoming armchair quarterbacks during the most sports-action-filled time of year with an endless deluge of leaves reminding all who value their lives that there is one more ‘practice’ (the removal of the same leaves) to be completed before settling in for the start of the first half. 

And if this fact wasn’t enough to threaten the missing of the few opening bars of the national anthem and the associated frequent consumption of carbonated beverages (both major players in the hearts of men), somewhere in the near future lies the second half of the conspiracy to reduce your average, hard working man to a blithering, pathetic crybaby by springtime.                                                                                                                                            

Ladies – just the kind of pliable personality most appropriate for taking orders like fertilizing the front lawn until it is bedtime.

But I get ahead of myself.

The fact is that the second half of the conspiracy is much more subtle in its’ approach. We can forecast the pending advance but not always the intensity and volume of attack. And of course, there is always this notion in male minds that ‘maybe it won’t be as bad as they say.’

You’re right. It can be a lot worse.

And if you have not guessed what I am talking to you about by now, allow me to give you one last hint. It is white, cold and heartless, capable of piling up to soaring heights for the pure pleasure of watching you try and remove it, one shovel full at a time. Others would say that it is fun, fluffy and beautiful. But they are usually skiing or snowboarding down it. 

You know what I am talking about: a four letter word that cannot be said for the fear that it strikes in the hearts of all who live in residences with a driveway.

However, just like the leaves. the mere presence of the four letter word that cannot be said gives us great exercise for the upper body, shoulders, arms and legs.

And you can bet, after 4 to 5 months of contending with the four letter word that cannot be said, you will be falling over yourself for the opportunity to fertilize your front lawn.

And you will be in better physical shape to do it.

Maybe The Fall/Winter Conspiracy is not such a bad thing after all?

Next week:  Just a Chip Off the Old Salt

Have a week of good health.


{ 1 comment }

Barry 10.20.09 at 11:35 am

Thank you Rick for the reminder as to what lies in my future.
The assurance of the health benefits this activity provides does little to make me want to race down to the local hardware store to cough up $28.50 for the equipment necessary to perform this exercise. And if my mail isn’t delivered due to my lack of enthusiasm to participate in a healthy heart campaign, then so be it! Bills can wait.
I have always been a believer that Laughter is the best medicine and after watching my old coot of a neighbor try and navigate his way by my un shoveled walkway, it has always had a positive physical effect on my body. In fact last winter was so long I may have added 12 years to my life.
All the best to you during our winter months.

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