Exercise vs. Food

by Grace on October 23, 2009

I’ve gained a few pounds over the last few weeks.  Hoping to lose it so my clothes will fit more comfortably.  The weight gain may be due to the fact that I stopped going to the gym.  However, I think it is more accurate to attribute it to food intake.

We are ingrained with the belief that the key to losing weight is to exercise.  Research is now showing that the importance of exercise in a weight loss plan has been overstated.  The key to losing weight is diet.  Obviously exercise is important to stay healthy but if one is hoping to lose weight, rethink diet.  Exercise alone may not provide results.

This makes a lot of sense to me.  A strenuous workout may barely burn off the calories from that doughnut you had as an afternoon snack.  So if the goal is to lose weight, the workout would have been in vain.  Just something to think about for people who like to reward themselves with a treat post workout.

I’ll be on vacation for the next two weeks so blogging duties will fall to Shierley herself.