I’ve been a bad girl….

by Juliana on October 23, 2009

3203237-Keg_Restaurant-HalifaxI know that I’m doing this much later than I normally would, but I have to say that it was a very busy day for me.  In fact, it was a very busy week for me.  I had to finish a huge project for school and that kept me very busy.  As such I was not able to keep my walks up and my potato chip craving got the best of me.  And last night I went to the Keg with my friends.

In my defense, we were around Thurlow and Robson and my friend and I had not tried the Keg in that area.  She and I have a mission where we said that we were going to try every single Keg restaurant in the lower mainland and the one on Thurlow was one of the ones that we hadn’t gone to.  So as you can see, we really had no choice.  We had to eat there that night.

Okay, I admit it, it isn’t a really good defense.  The truth is, I felt like a nice, thick, juicy rib steak and that was why we went there.

One thing that I did do right was that I didn’t eat the whole steak in one sitting.  I saved half of it for later.  The same goes for the baked potato.

So what will I be doing this weekend?  I will be finishing my project.  I will also be going for a walk again and getting back to my healthy eating.  I will also be getting more sleep, something that I had also given up in favour of my course.

That is unless I’m in Yaletown this weekend…that’s the other Keg location I haven’t been to yet.


Erin 10.26.09 at 3:44 pm

School? I didn’t know you were going to school…

Shierley Chelliah 10.26.09 at 3:51 pm

Yes, I am taking a Masters in Educational Technology. It’s supposed to be on-line and flexible format, but in reality I have to keep up with all of my assignments or else I sink like the Titanic!

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