Oh the Irony!

by Jolene Cooper on November 4, 2009

So sorry to have missed my regular post yesterday.

It’s Thrive Week, the Wellness Fair kicked off today, and I’m at home sick.  Talk about irony!

As I finish my 6th glass of orange juice and 3rd bowl of soup in the last 24 hours, I think back on my actions in the last few weeks and all the precautions I took to avoid getting sick again.  I’m coming up with nothing; no explanation of why I am sick for the second time in 6 weeks.  So I hope the rest of you have better luck than me.

Stay healthy and check out all the great Thrive Week events all around campus this week.


tracy 11.04.09 at 6:41 pm

Sorry to hear that OJ and soup is failing on you…I was (and still am) infected with a nasty infection myself and am slowly nursing myself back to health with a naturopathic remedy – and it’s working!! Try this (it tastes absolutely disgusting but is well worth it): “St. Francis EchinaSeal”

…can be found at any natural health food stores

Also, drink lots of tea with honey and lemon with fresh ginger!!

Suzanne Jolly 11.10.09 at 1:21 pm

You’re the best for thinking of THRIVE while you were at home sick (sorry i was too busy to notice this until today!).

But I’m glad you’re better!

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