The Smile Police

by Ted Sedgwick on November 5, 2009


This has been a week of ‘many things happening at once’. Work related and otherwise. This is not a bad thing; after all it can be fun and productive. The frustrations can seem daunting ‘in-the-moment’ but how often do we look back and even laugh at what we considered epic burdens? Or inconsequential things that we worried about? It pays to have a good sense of humor. Not to say that you have to laugh at everything – this might get you in trouble, but a ‘relaxed’ demeanor might be appropriate. Cue the ‘Smile Police’.

I am fortunate to have wonderful custodial staff at my office and we engage in social banter for a few minutes each day when M starts her shift and mine is about to end. Now, I am generally in a good mood, but it doesn’t always show. M is the first to rebuke me for not smiling. “Smile”, she’ll chirp as we pass in the hallway. It works. Probably the easiest thing you can do to relax immediately. It keeps things in perspective, and I’m sure you will agree it is even contagious.

My week has been busy ‘after’ hours as I have been looking after a ‘senior’ dog while his master is away. I enjoy doing this as Dufus is a very loveable dog and there are perks of staying at his nice house: great kitchen and hot tub! The downside is dealing with issues related to an older dog. You know where this is going! When he feels restless at 3:00 am I’m up to let him out. And I watch to see if he is being compliant with Mother Nature. This has happened twice this week with the same result – he just goes out to lay on the grass! Eventually I have to go out to retrieve the retriever! I am not gaining any points for getting a good nights sleep out of this, but I find it quite funny if only in retrospect. And I smile through my sleep deprivation! It does feel good. Try it. 🙂


dog smile


Pierre 11.10.09 at 12:41 pm

That photo reminds me of the time I got stung in the lips by a jelly-fish while SUCBA diving!

Suzanne Jolly 11.10.09 at 1:20 pm

Did you know that your body releases the same chemicals in your brain if you force a fake smile, as when you have a real one? When I was really struggling a few years ago, I used to force a smile on my face in the morning just to try to get some positive brain chemicals to start working. 🙂
And as a dog owner- I know that Stogie is crucial to making me smile too!

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