Saturday night thoughts

by Juliana on November 7, 2009

I had a tough week and as a result I am a little late with my post.

I thought about what to write today and I decided I would talk about things that can lift your spirits.  Here are a few things that I did this week to lift my spirits:

1.  Took a nice hot bath

2.  Walked in the wind and the rain and revelled in the power of a storm

3.  Watched a funny movie (Ghost Town)

4.  Laughed with people

5.  Treated my Dad for dinner

6.  Thanked and appreciated the good people and things in my life

7.  Connected with an old friend

8.  Listened to some music (Queen and Beethoven, not at the same time of course)

9.  Enjoyed the full moon on Wednesday

The above is just the list of things that helped to lifted my spirits.

What are some things you do to lift your spirits?

Looking forward to hearing your comments!


Jolene 11.09.09 at 12:50 pm

Sounds like you earned lots of points for your team last week, Shierley!
Keep it up, I want those massage chairs!

Pierre 11.10.09 at 12:38 pm

That’s a fine list, good for you!

What lifts my spirits is havig my sons use me as a part-time couch, wrestling partner and trampoline. The latter provides me with some great core strength exercise! Come to think of it, I really should warm up and stretch before I enter the house…..

Shierley Chelliah 11.13.09 at 9:52 pm

Sounds like you have a pretty good list yourself. Thank goodness for kids!

Shierley Chelliah 11.13.09 at 9:54 pm

Absolutely. It’s all about those massage chairs!

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