
by Grace on November 20, 2009


I’m back from a vacation to London, England.  I had a great time visiting friends, shopping, eating, etc.  The dog in the photo is Raul and he belongs to my friend, Laura, whom I stayed with in London.

A friend of a friend in London had H1N1 (now recoverd) so I was conscious of that and I carried a bottle of hand sanitizer with me at all times.  I was avoiding certain foods (trying to at least) before I left to London that came out positive during a food sensitivity test.  I didn’t manage to keep this up during my stay in London, allowing myself to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.

I guess like many people on vacation, trying to maintain healthy habits was not my priority.  I drank very little water in order to avoid dirty public washrooms but drank more wine than usual (you can’t go to England without going to a few pubs), and indulged in over-eating including late night, post-pub friend chicken.  Before my vacation, I did a decent job avoiding potato chips which is one of my favourite snack foods.  But in London, I succumbed to the temptation and munched on prawn cocktail flavoured chips (very yummy) almost every night.  My justification: we don’t have that flavour in Canada so I must enjoy them as much as I can while in London.

After a week of jet lag and gaining too much weight, I am trying to be more disciplined about what I consume.  Starting today, I will try to avoid wheat and gluten.  I also developed eczema while away.  Perhaps the eczema was the result of the climate but I have a suspicion that it may be due to what I was eating.  Nevertheless, despite the weight gain and the eczema on my face, the trip was worth it.