Say yes to the Dress Size

by Juliana on November 20, 2009


So I didn’t get any of the presents I had listed on my blog last week.  Oh well, may be some day.

I can’t say that I did a lot of exercise this week.  It was cold and wet, so walking just did not look too appealing this week.  I may need to renew my gym membership.  Especially since I am still refusing to give up my chocolate, steak, chicken and coconut cream pie addictions and I am refusing to change my dress sizes.

When I do go to the gym, the one activity that I enjoy doing is the elliptical.  The elliptical is low impact enough and manageable enough for me to want to do it without too much complaining.  The other good thing is that my gym does have a TV and as long as someone else isn’t watching anything, I can watch whatever I want.  Having a TV at the gym is key as it does help to pass the time.

I usually time my workouts around shows like “The Simpsons” or  “Friends”.  One time on the weekend there was the “Revenge of the Sith” on the TV, so I ended up working out an hour.  It’s amazing how much more inclined I can be to stay in the gym if there is something good on TV.

So let’s hope for more good shows on TV.  Because without those, there is no way I’m going to stay the same dress size.


Erin Creak 11.23.09 at 1:27 pm

I agree Shierley – yay to working out to 30 Rock, Dexter or Mad Men.


Shierley Chelliah 11.27.09 at 9:14 pm

Yes. Definitely. Anything to keep me on the treadmill!

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