The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

by Jolene Cooper on November 24, 2009

OK, I’ve got good news and bad news, which do you want to hear first?

Too bad, you’re getting the bad news first.

We’ve just received word that our 6 month fitness assessment follow up will be held this week. I think I speak for everyone when I say, I’d like a little extra time.  Maybe it’s because I’m still getting over a cold, or maybe it’s because it’s cold and dreary outside, but I don’t feel any fitter. (It’s a word. it’s not my fault if your dictionary isn’t up to date) Maybe if we started this challenge in the winter and finished in the summer, I’d be expecting better results.  As our department is gearing up for the follow-up assessments, I thought I would highlight some of the good and bad and ups and downs of the last 6 months.

The Bad:
• I’ve been sick for the better part of November, and a large chunk of October as well.
• It’s been 15 days since my last run.
• With the cold, rainy weather, I’m finding it really hard to eat enough fruits and vegetables. 
• I haven’t done yoga since beach yoga ended in August

pic (26)

Unlimited water and orange juice at my desk

The Good:
• I’m eating breakfast regularly now
• I went to a FREE yoga class last night
• Our dodgeball team ALMOST won our game last night. This would’ve been an amazing feat, as we haven’t won a game all season.
• I haven’t been to the chiropractor in 10 weeks, and haven’t really felt the need to. Sure there have been days where my shoulder and neck muscles are tight but I’ve been able to manage it through heat and manual therapy.
• Lunch crunch Bootcamp hasn’t killed me yet.

I’ll keep you in the loop next week after my follow-up fitness assessment has been done.

Cross your fingers for progress!


Erin 11.24.09 at 4:19 pm

I too am dreading the assessment….

Pierre 11.25.09 at 3:03 pm

Are you guys crying, too?

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