End in sight….

by Ted Sedgwick on November 26, 2009


That time so soon?The Box


Yes Pierre, it is crunch time. Too late to cram for the ‘test’.  I’m not sure that I’ve made great strides in physical fitness, and probably not in the flexibility department but  we’ll  do the post mortems after our assessments.  I’ll look forward to the closing commentaries!

Today’s will be a brief blog (probably the best kind?) .  I would like to recommend some topical reading material:  “DREAD: How Fear and Fantasy have Fueled Epidemics from the Black Plague to Asian Flu”,   by Philip Alcabes.   This is very interesting material and does help to keep things in perspective with regard to the current H1N1 event.

 I’m sure all of us have been feeling the effects of this endless rain and darkness but I predict it will cease ..sometime!  The sky was a lighter shade of grey this morning , and in just  under 4 weeks the days will start getting longer!  Now all we’ll have to work on is getting through the flu season, the holiday season …..then the Olympics…then……well whatever comes along…relatively stress free.

Enjoy the ride!