Meet Sam

by Grace on July 10, 2009

After agreeing to be a “Mission Fit Possible” blogger, I made ambitious plans to go to the gym three times a week and start going to yoga and pilates classes while blogging about my progress – how much weight I would lose, how great I would feel, blah blah blah.
I made it to the gym two or three times before I woke up one morning with a sharp pain in my neck and back.  The pain was excruciating and I couldn’t move my neck for a week.  It was the second time this happened in about 6 weeks.  Must be paying for all the years of poor posture, sitting at a desk, and carrying oversized bags.
I’ve had pain in my right shoulder for 10 years, developed lower back pain in more recent years, and get headaches a few times per month.  I started seeing a massage therapist/acupuncturist twice per week.  I like the idea of taking a holistic approach rather than focusing on specific symptoms.  I was told my hips are misaligned.  This explains why I feel like one of my legs is shorter than the other when I use the elliptical trainer.  My massage therapist/acupuncturist wants me to see a chiropractor so I’ll be doing that soon.
Patti posted a link to WorkSafeBC’s Ergonomics Resources in the comments section of one of the blog postings.  I thought I would post the link again here:
Everybody, meet Sam:
WorkSafe Sam

WorkSafe Sam

WorkSafe Sam is a “Stretch Prompter” that you can download from the above link.  I downloaded this tool and set it up so it reminds me to stretch every hour (you can set the reminder for every 1, 2, 5, or 10 hours).  Sam also provides stretching tips.  Next week I’ll report how Sam and I are getting along.


Pierre 07.13.09 at 11:49 am

Thanks for introducing me to Sam! I’m going to invite him to reside in my computer, too!

I went for a strenuous hike on the weekend and if I don’t remember to stretch today, I may not be able to get out of my seat!!!

Grace 07.13.09 at 12:57 pm

Hi Pierre. FYI, you may need administrative access to download the program to your computer. I got V to download it for me.

I wish Sam would come out more frequently but I guess once an hour is better than no stretching at all.

Suzanne Jolly 07.13.09 at 1:53 pm

I’m going to ask V to hook me up with Workplace Sam. This fits right in with what I’m doing. Thanks for sharing him! 🙂

Kim 07.14.09 at 12:26 pm

Sam is downloaded! Thanks Grace for the link…it’s a great reminder!

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