No apologies. No regrets.

by Juliana on October 30, 2009

So after my red meat escapade last week, you would have thought I would have learned the errors of my ways and cleaned up my act.


This week, I did come down with some sort of bug.  I unfortunately could not take time off work as I had to teach.  I managed to keep my voice for the classes, but every night I was pretty much flat on my back.  Wednesday night I actually took a nap after work, something that is totally out of character for me.  I think it was my body just screaming for some rest.

Sufficed to say, I did not do any walks this week.  I needed the rest.

Thursday I was much better.  After work I was preparing to go for a walk, but I got a suprise phone call from a friend asking if I wanted to go to Fright Night.  I couldn’t pass up that opportunity.  I’ve been wanting to go for years, but for one reason or another, I was not able to go.  This year I was planning to go, but again things got in the way and I just could not get myself organized.  Luckily fate intervened.

So I spent most of Thursday night screaming my head off.  Great for the vocal chords by the way, especially after spending a few days teaching.  I woke up with a very tender throat this morning, but I have no regrets.  It was tototally and absolutely worth it.

To make matters worse, I ate a Burger King fish sandwich and fries right after spending the evening at Fright Night.  And no, I did not wait 2 hours before going to bed, so my body didn’t get a good enough of a chance to digest and burn it off before I went to sleep.

But as I said, it was totally and absoultely worth it.  It was a fantastic night and I would totally do it again.