Convenient Coincidence

by Jolene Cooper on November 10, 2009

I’d say I’m about 80% of my old self. I’ve still got some recovering to do from being sick last week.
I took a week off from running, (which took way more strength than actually running, by the way) and finally made it out for a decent run last night.
While I really am not a fan of running in the dark, and had a few coughing fits throughout the run, it could have gone much worse.

So let me revisit my post from 2 weeks ago.
There are two reasons why I haven’t been running as much as I’d like to:

1. It’s cold outside
2. There’s other stuff I’d rather be doing

So #1 might be why I was sick last week, but I followed most of the ‘running in the cold’ tips. Except that one that says dress like it’s 20 degrees warmer than it is. I’ll tell you, I’m dressed like it’s 5 degrees out, and I’m barely warm when I’m running. I’d be outright freezing if I dressed like it was 25 degrees outside. So I am rejecting that tip.

So now it’s time to tackle #2.  (Do I get bonus points for quadruple alliteration?)

Let’s face it. There’s always going to be something that is more appealing than running in the cold, wet darkness. So to try and get some exercise during daylight hours, I’ve signed up for a lunchtime bootcamp class on campus. It starts today so I don’t have an update on it yet, but it’ll be nice to get an additional workout during the day, in case I don’t always make it out for a run after work. It’s all part of my pre-emptive holiday health plan.  It’s also pretty convenient how this bootcamp runs during the Amazing Race Health Challenge, and is 4 weeks before our department’s follow-up fitness assessments.
Hmmm… That’s a lovely coincidence…


Erin 11.10.09 at 12:05 pm

Ack! Only four weeks left :-(…

Pierre 11.10.09 at 12:30 pm

A pre-emptive holiday health plan, eh? Now that’s a good idea….

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