One week down, 25 to go

by Patricia Parker on July 12, 2009

My goals for last week were:
1. Walk for 30 minutes each day @ 6:00am
2. Swim 1000 metres
3. Attend Aquasize three times.

Realistic? Well, my enthusiam thought so. What DID I accommplish: I walked every day for about 40 minutes. That amounted to 4kms each morning. I wasn’t aiming for a particular distance, but was able to map it with this handy web site: . Check. I swam 1000m, in two 500m parts. Check. I forgot how hard distance swimming can be. Aquasize…not so much success. There are a thousand excuses in the naked city, but I don’t want to be a bore.

So let’s talk about what I did notice in just one week. Sailing today was MUCH easier. I didn’t feel like my rump was glued to the bench in the cockpit. I had enough leg muscle to actually move around. I was able to reef on the jib with authority. I don’t think I’m ready for the America’s Cup, but in a few weeks, I’ll give a respectable show.
Til next time


Dolly 07.13.09 at 11:24 am

I think those are really good accomplishments considering it’s only been a week! You should be proud! Keep it up and thanks for the web site link.

Doug 07.13.09 at 1:37 pm

Well, …….. I can attest to the reefing of the jib, …. and the manoeuvering within the boat.
What Patti failed to mention was the energy expended (for extended periods of time) while the boat was well heeled over. Some might now think this was, in fact, ….. complaining. It was not.
More of a …………. “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” type sound.
I’ll keep you abreast, as I find out more about this “phenomenon”.

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