Change is Coming Slowly…

by Suzanne Jolly on July 14, 2009

I have been sick for over a week now so I can’t say that I’ve been doing a very good job at jump-starting a new routine of health for my neck and back. In fact, last week’s blog entry from yours truly was written from home- while I lay in bed! While I may be at work right now, I lack all of my usual spunk, enthusiasm and energy.


So last night, I wanted to go to yoga. I even convinced my yoga-loving friend to come with me, so that I wouldn’t feel too overwhelmed by the strangers, my discomfort about being not so flexible, etc. (After all, it’s always easier to start a new habit by dragging a friend along). When I got home from work, I talked to my friend on the phone and he said, “Are you kidding me!? You’re still sick?! There’s no way you should be doing yoga!” (or some such diatribe about my lack of energy and how much work yoga is, and how tired I sounded, etc etc).


So I didn’t go to yoga. I crawled into bed and watched movies and congratulated my stomach on actually digesting a bowl of soup. (Big accomplishments for my stomach, let me tell you!)


So this little entry about how I haven’t done much at all, but how that’s ok by me. (and hopefully all of you won’t hate me and call me lazy).

It’s called self-care, and it’s hard sometimes to prioritize. If you consider what I was trying to do- this week, I wanted to start a new trend that was focused on my health. But suddenly, the foundation from which I was working on (usually a fairly healthy body), fell out from under me. So how could I possibly ask my body to accept a brand new series of changes, if my body wasn’t able to function at its normal capacity (for example, digest food).


So I guess this week I’m just listening to my body and prioritizing what it needs, instead of imposing more grief upon it.  Since digestion is challenging for it right now, I’m just going to focus on that.  Then maybe next week we can try yoga.


In some ways, though, my body was ready for a small change. When you’re feeling nauseated, coffee isn’t very appealing! I haven’t had a cup of coffee in over a week! (and drinking water is pretty much required because of this bad bug that I’ve caught).


So for all you folks out there who may be dealing with a little shame because you didn’t work out, you ate that big mac at lunch or you didn’t go do the stretching you were planning on… then take heart. You’re not alone!


Pierre 07.15.09 at 9:38 am

Nothing to feel shame about. We all battle bugs every so often. And you’re right, it certainly is wise to listen to our bodies. And to rest.

How many of us are adding “Rest” to our list of healthy “Must Do’s”?

Though you certainly didn’t need this, it sounds as though you are turning this episode into source of validation and motivation. That’s something we all can learn from. Thanks!

Suzanne 07.15.09 at 10:33 am

You’re so positive. I really appreciate your support!

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