WorkSafe Sam Review

by Grace on July 17, 2009

I’ve been using WorkSafe Sam for over a week now.  For those of you who didn’t read my post last week, WorkSafe Sam is a “stretch prompter” that you can download to your computer. 

(Sam just popped up as I am typing this so I’ll continue my post after I stretch.)

Here are my thoughts on Sam:


-I’m stretching more frequently now instead of waiting until I feel sore.
-It’s FREE.
-It’s easy to install.  (Thanks, V!)
-Sam’s kind of cute.


-The program doesn’t start when I turn on my computer so I must open it manually, which I forget to do sometimes.
-I wish Sam would pop up more frequently.  I think it would be beneficial for some people to stretch more than once per hour.
-Sam only pops up for a few seconds then he disappears.  If I step away from my computer while he pops up, he’ll be gone by the time I get back and I would forget to stretch that hour.
-Sam offers very limited stretching tips.  Some tips are not even stretches but tips on how to avoid eye strain or lift heavy boxes.

Has anyone else been using Sam?  What are your thoughts?

As I said, Sam doesn’t offer many stretching tips so you can find more stretches on the Health, Safety and Environment website:
Office Stretch Break:
Lower Body Stretches:
Upper Body Stretches: