Journey to Good Health

by Rick Byers on July 20, 2009

If you are like me, you have enjoyed a marvelous history of being a ‘ red meat and potatoes’ man. And I know I am not alone. The numbers in my generation are likely so large that we can have our own international organization: Meat Lovers of the World.


At the same time, we might as well sign up for regular blood pressure checks and cholesterol readings. With having a slower metabolism at my age, I realized that I can no longer ignore the fact that I must be more diligent and prudent with my intake of red meat and potatoes. To be clear, there is nothing wrong with red meat and potatoes. However for me, I must be more responsible in my consumption.


Bearing this I mind, I have increased my frequency of eating chicken and fish. The result has been twofold: 1. I have rediscovered how great chicken and fish taste and 2. I am feeling less heavy.


I have not eaten potatoes now for about 3 ½ weeks. Initially, I thought that I could limit myself to a smaller portion but that practice did not last. After a busy day, I would feel that I could ‘reward’ myself with an extra portion that included extra butter. So, I have had to stop eating potatoes altogether and supplement my meals with brown rice or sometimes pasta. The result has been twofold again: 1. I no longer miss potatoes and 2. I am feeling less heavy.


Additionally, I have stopped eating anything fried and drinking soda, even diet. I have noticed that when I stopped eating fried foods, my craving for salt significantly dropped. As per my last three BP readings, my blood pressure has dropped by 10%. My heart threw an appreciation party for me. As I replaced soda drinking with water consumption, I have noticed that my energy level has gone up.


For supper, I now eat a small side salad with one dollop of low fat salad dressing.  No salt on the salad as I used to do before. And the result?  No difference in taste of the salad. But on a plus sides, I am feeling better – less sluggish.


These are again a few simple measures that I have taken towards losing weight and increasing overall energy. Remember, I still have yet to give you a report back on the weight loss but, as we know, I have a few more weeks to go.


For next week, I would like to continue with the diet a bit more and then to my biggest challenge: eating habits.

Have a week of good health,


Erin Creak 07.20.09 at 3:20 pm

You gave up potatoes cold turkey and haven’t had any cravings? That’s amazing. I’m not sure I could be so strong….

Suzanne 07.21.09 at 11:12 am

Rick, this is SO amazing! I’m so impressed. You should be really proud of yourself. I can’t overcome my sugar cravings sometimes (eg. yesterday’s binge: TWO blue chip cookies, which is not good since I’m allergic to dairy). I wish I could have as much willpower!

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