Back on track with the stretching/yoga program.

by Ted Sedgwick on July 23, 2009









    This has been a successful week with no interruptions allowed to my program! I say ‘allowed’ because I find this to be a mental achievement as much as a physical one – there are always rationalizations for missing a session! My exercise program introduces new exercises or more advanced (difficult!) forms of previous exercises each day but the time commitment is less than 30 minutes. I’ve reached a stage where I look forward to these sessions and enjoy the satisfaction of completing them. I must admit that the commitment to this blog is a definite incentive as well!

I was watching a demonstration of Brazilian martial arts in the park last weekend. Years ago I might have considered it an inspirational display of agility and flexibility. Now I only watch and hope that they don’t hurt themselves!  Another clue to my ‘demographic’!

It is sometimes difficult to judge my progress. I have noticed an improvement in upper body –neck/shoulders – flexibility but at times my legs feel like lead! I commute to work by bicycle and I suspect that cycling is counter-productive to flexibility improvement. But then so is sitting in my office chair. Onward…

{ 1 comment }

Shierley 07.25.09 at 10:41 pm

I know what you mean about the lack of flexibility with the legs. I am the same way. I can do back bends with no problem, but touching my toes…forget it!

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