Food + exercise = Yum

by Juliana on July 24, 2009

So I have had a week of victories and not so great victories. Let’s start with the not so great victories.

I have slightly fallen off the exercising band wagon. I did a running club last week and while all the members were fun and supportive, I let my ego get the best of me and I pushed myself too much. The next day was spent feeling like the energy was being sucked out of me through the bottom of my feet and there was also some muscle soreness. While I didn’t find the soreness to be debilitating like I used to (ie. I didn’t dissolve into tears when taking a flight of stairs), I did feel the dull ache in my legs.

Because of the pain and the lack of energy, I had to slow my exercise routine a little. I instead walked more and tried to keep as active as I could. I have definitely lost the momentum I had before, but I am hoping to gain it back.

Now for my victory. Okay, so people may not think of this as a victory of any sort, but I’m counting it. Pairing food and exercise.

My friend and I were going to meet for dinner and I suggested that we go to Provence which is located at 10th Avenue. I suggested to her that she park her car at my house and that we could walk to the restaurant. I did warn her that the walk would be a good 45 minutes. Luckily, she was up for it.

After our walk to the restaurant, we had a delectable dinner. My meal consisted of spaghettini with tiger prawns and scallops and my dessert choice was a double chocolate Kalhua cake (yum, yum). After dinner, we walked back to my place (that’s another 45 minutes).

By the time we arrived at my house, we felt pretty good about ourselves. While we knew that we may not have burned all of our dinner off, we did manage to stay active and what’s even better was that we were able to spend some time together to re-connect.

I am finding real value in pairing food and a good long walk together. Walking is a great way to de-stress and re-connect with people and I highly recommend it, especially on those days you don’t feel like you want to be especially active.

I am also told that walking is also a great way to stay connected with your significant other. I don’t have any stats on that, but it is what I have heard. So the next time you are going out with your mate, leave the car at home and walk to the restaurant.

Just be sure to wear sensible shoes if the restaurant is 45 minutes away 🙂


Erin 07.24.09 at 11:38 am

I love walking and the combo of doing a decent walk with a decent meal is great. p.s. I want pictures of that meal! Sounds delish.

Stephanie 07.24.09 at 1:01 pm

Thanks for the tips Shierley! Never really thought about parking the car else where and walk to the restaurant – I will try that! 🙂

By the way… after the long walk home, did you feel like you needed to eat more because you must’ve burned a lot of the energy?

Shierley Chelliah 07.24.09 at 9:36 pm

Interestingly enough, I did not feel hungry afterwards and I would say that at dinner I did eat a little more than usual.

Shierley Chelliah 07.24.09 at 9:39 pm

I will definitely include pictures of my meals. I have to say that with Vancouver’s great selection of restaurants the chef’s certainly do come up with some pretty artful culinary creations that should be documented for posterity.

Jolene 07.27.09 at 9:22 am

Great idea Shierley!
I find food tastes better after a workout, so thats a good incentive as well. Provence is a great choice, so tasty!

Shierley Chelliah 07.27.09 at 8:52 pm

Food does definitely taste better after a work out. And Provence is always a great choice. They are also a part of the ocean-wise program too!

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