Hitting the Gym

by Grace on July 24, 2009

I’ve been going to the gym on and off for about 6 weeks now.  I’m trying to go about 3 times a week but it’s been hard to keep motivated because I haven’t been exercising regularly for years.  When I do go to the gym, I’ve been doing light cardio and it’s embarrassing how quickly I get tired.  But each time I go to the gym, it gets easier.  Last night I added strength training to my routine and alternated between light and heavy cardio workouts.  I am very sore today but for the first time since I started going to the gym, I feel like I actually had a good workout.  I know that keeping this up will be the hardest part for me.

Unfortunately, my workouts haven’t helped to relieve my back and shoulder pain.  So far.  My acupuncturist gave me some exercises to do to strengthen my back muscles.  I saw a chiropractor for the first time this week.  It was not as scary as I thought it would be.  He told me my muscles are tight pretty much everywhere, including my JAW.  I wasn’t expecting a chiropractor to talk about my jaw but he told me the same thing that my orthodontist once told me – that I have a clicking jaw which is caused by teeth grinding or clenching when I sleep.  I never thought this could be related to my headaches or neck pain but apparently it is.  Solution?  Wear a mouth guard when I sleep.  Ugh!  I thought dental appliances were behind me when I had my braces removed.


Erin Creak 07.24.09 at 3:35 pm

Hey Grace, I sleep with a mouth guard because I clench my jaw when I sleep. It’s a bit of a pain to have to remember to use it each night. But I can tell when I haven’t used it the night before. My jaw just feels really tense the next day.

Grace 07.24.09 at 3:54 pm

Hi Erin. I actually do have a mouth guard. I just never wear it. But I’ll start wearing it and see if it helps relieve my headaches.

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