Things Learned on the Bus

by Patricia Parker on July 26, 2009

I read some articles in the Georgia Straight while I was on the bus last week. It’s under the title of “Healthy Living”(Volume 43 Number 2169 July 16-23/2009)…You know you’re on the right track when it’s in the “Straight”. The first page of the special supplement talks about maintaining a good posture when exercising. I have a notoriously bad posture. Now when I walk, sit , swim, I try to remember to keep in good alignment. If I catch myself slumping over and hunching my back, I realign and get on with whatever I’m doing.

The second article that caught my attention was about laughter therapy. Several years ago, in what seems like another life now, one of my colleagues started play and laughter interventions for grown ups. She spoke at a conference I attended. About half way through her seminar, she brought out toys like yo-yos, hoola hoops, bubbles, trucks and cars and dolls to dress up. We all played and laughed and felt very refreshed. My son brought home a yo-yo the other day. I have definitely lost the Zen of yo-yo, but with my son’s coaching, I can get it back.  I did attend the splendid Fireworks display on Saturday in English Bay.  My inner child and my two outer children were thrilled by both Mother Nature and South Africa.  Beautiful.

The third article I read talked about eating locally grown food. I’ve heard of the “100 mile diet” and have tried for years to eat primarily what’s in season. Living in British Columbia, I can choose from a plethora of yummy, locally grown fruit and vegetables. While I don’t think I will ever be dedicated enough to keep within the 100 mile radius 100% of the time (does anyone grow wheat in BC?), I definitely like the idea of eating the freshest available produce.

Reviewing my past blog entries, the list of things to do seems to be getting longer and longer. Upon serious reflection, what I am learning will be habit soon (I sincerley hope) and not a laudry list of “Honey Do’s”. I’d cross my fingers for luck, but that would cause misalignment!
Til next time


Dolly 07.27.09 at 10:38 am

It can be hard to pass up that big bag of cherries (WA) or strawberries (CA) from Costco. It was 1/2 the price of what was at my local grocer but none of the fruit looked (or smelled) really ripe. I like to think of it as strawberries on botox.

Recently the Food network aired a show on Mission residents who took on the 100-mile challenge. Here’s a weblink where you can search local foods, share recipes and watch episodes of the show:

At home, we’re tying to eat what’s in season and grown locally but we also try to eat sustainable seafood from our local waters. I’m happy to learn that UBC Food Services is a partner of the Oceanwise program!

Patti Parker 07.27.09 at 2:54 pm

Thanks Dolly. I’ll check it out

Patti Parker 07.27.09 at 3:23 pm

Thanks Dolly. I’ll check the site.

Patti Parker 07.27.09 at 3:23 pm

Thank, Dolly. I’ll check the site.

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